Monte Cassino WWII Battlefield Tours by Dr Danila Bracaglia, Historian and Certified Tour Guide

Welcome to my website. Since 2004, I have been leading private battlefield tours in the Cassino. The first Historian for bespoke tours in english. I have the experience and knowledge to make your experience memorable

My aim is to provide a battlefield tour experience which is informative, flexible for you and your group. My WWII tours cover activities within the American, British, New Zealand, Polish and Canadian Sectors.

I am glad to offer you a quality choice of World War Two tours to match your time schedule and level of interest. WWII tours can be combined with cultural tours to Rome, Pompeii and other locations as well as wine and food tours to enjoy a full experience while in Italy.

Bespoke itineraries can be planned from the beaches of Salerno to Monte Cassino, Anzio and Rome. I have been guiding clients since 2004, from veterans to 3 star generals.

I offer my services to Military Organizations such as the Nato, the WWII museums in New Orleans and the prestigious Military Academy of West Point.

In 2019 I was hired by the BBC as Local Historian of the battle of Monte Cassino for the production of the documentary “My Grandad’s war” with Gary Lineker. h3> In September 2023 I had the honor to be the personal guide and historian of Maj. General Patrick Hamilton, former Commander of the 36th Texas Division for a tour from the beaches of Paestum to Rome. If you have been to Italy previously and visited the regular WWII sites but you are looking for something more in-depth, I am offering personalized tours to follow the route of your father, grandfather or loved one who were involved in the Italian campaign of WWII. 

If you are interested in a more specialized tour following a particular unit, battle or family footsteps, please contact me for details: or call me +39 338 2458831 (whatsapp)


My WWII Tour with Major General Patrick M. Hamilton, 36th Texas Division Commander

Guiding the Monte Cassino Battlefields by Dr Danila Bracaglia

The Gustav Line: the main German defensive line.

The Caves of San Pietro by Susan Gayle, a book every American should read!

Historical Consultant for the BBC

BATTLEFIELD TOURS combined with Food, Wine & Italian Culture!

San Pietro Infine: the Ghost Town